Monday, 30 December 2013

3D Animation. The Fascinating World of 3-Dimensional Technology

3D modeling and animation in Australia is a large and diversified industry. 3D animation is an eclectic and balanced combination of science, art and math. Numbers merge with creativity, textures and colors to create new worlds that appear tangible and communicate an emotion. The created model often leaves the viewers perplexed since it becomes tough to distinguish between 3D models and reality. An advanced 3D tool can create incredible characters, scenes, objects, landscapes and create new worlds beyond your imagination. A world that is vibrant, colorful and customized to your preferences.

A World Beyond Worlds

3D modeling and animation in Australia is a big stream since the country is abundant with top notch qualified professionals that have the history of building life-like models. An intuitive tool such as the 3D software may put forward a complicated task but the end result is fascinating, powerful and impactful. However, there is a lot at stake and quality is often dependent upon the kind of software used. 3D animation has revolutionized different industries across the world. In the world of cinema, Toy Story and Jurassic Park have emerged as profound pieces of achievement simply because of animation quality the movies had to offer.

3D Animation

It is fascinating to know that every frame takes several hours of production and at least a hundred components to get it right. 3D modeling and animation in Australia has emerged big in industries like entertainment, gaming, oil and gas, mining, architecture and construction and infrastructure. A lot of projects have benefited from the advent of animation. 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Difference between Low and High Quality 3D Renderings

Veetil Digital who are Architectural model makers based in Perth have been working to use advanced software to produce high quality 3D renderings to their clients. The kind of software used most often determines the quality of output. During the 3D modeling stage, much can be decided about the final output that can be expected.

For example, in low quality rendering and in the field of construction, simple 3-dimensional objects or models can be created and randomly added to the scenes to create the replica of a building that is proposed.

Can low quality rendering produce a good looking final product? Yes it can. However, there are visible advantages high quality rendering offers to a business.

Veetil Digital who are also Architectural model makers based in Perth create astounding architectural models that create a holistic impression of every single element that constitutes a construction project. Including visualization of quality of materials proposed to be used in the project, model makers help in understanding color, texture, light scattering and myriad other elements to give the viewers or decision makers the best idea. The software does not just help in facilitating understanding of exteriors and surface areas but also in determining interior elements. Understanding how a room will look like during the day or night, under different lights and different times of the years can be done with the right tool.

Similarly, there are numerous other elements that  Veetil Digital who are  architectural model makers based in Perth consider to make a project effective and full-proof. Demonstrating visualization to the client is the best way by which you can get approvals quickly and effectively.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

3D Visualization Software. What is the need for one?

3D visualization software has eclectic uses. The success or failure of a project is largely dependent upon conceptualization and quality and quantum of streamlining the final product goes through. Architects today make use of 3D technology to reflect and communicate an idea or proposition, an ability that was not available to them a few decades ago. Conventionally, organizations have been factoring three big goals towards which their operations were usually directed.

1. Increase in productivity
2. Enhanced sales
3. Competitiveness in price, customer service and quality.

Competition today is tremendous in every field. Bringing down the price considerably will also bring down profit margin and companies practicing this technique may not be able to offer any other advantage. Improving customer service can strengthen existing customer loyalty but may or may not contribute to obtaining new customers. But improving quality is a measure that you cannot do away with. This can be done through creativity, innovative practices, knowledge of subject, diversification and expansion of product or service line.

Quality of the proposition can also be increased by the right use of 3D visualization software. This helps businesses communicate to customers what they are likely to receive if they invest in the proposition. In a field like construction, appearance and other details of the building can be demonstrated to potential customers and other related parties through the use of advanced 3D visualization software. Photo-realistic images take the form of ideas or project proposition. Attention to detail can be done meticulously and decision making therefore becomes simpler and quicker.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

3D Modeling and Animation Perth. Benefits offered to the Construction Industry.

3D modeling and animation in Perth is a large and diversified industry that focuses to establish its competence in numerous domains. Construction is one of the many fields that has undergone tremendous changes from materials used to ideas, design and implementing. 3D modeling is no stranger to the world of construction. Traditionally, there were a number of blue prints that were manually and painstakingly prepared by the engineers when a project is conceptualized. There was scope for several errors and the entire process of even conceptualization took several weeks or months. The larger the project, the longer was the time line. And many times, critical changes were made during the process of construction and also nearing the end result.

Evolution of 3D Animation

3D modeling and animation in Perth has changed the way the market now sees construction. Architectural design and planning is meeting dynamic demands of the market. And in the process of expanding visions, reducing timelines and minimizing flaws; 3D modeling took its evolution. Today, in the competitive environment, 3D animation has immense scope to offer architecture and construction. CAD (Computer Aided Design) and 3D modeling techniques save a lot of time and efforts in the preparation of documents and visual aids. Besides doing this, the concept offers an advantage that the traditional methods cannot even imagine. The final output in its length, breadth and height is visualized using 3-dimensional technology. Since, it creates the form of a tangible product, modifications and changes can be done meticulously and well in advance.

An advanced 3D architectural model includes 2D data, drawings and documents to help the architect create plans, elevations, estimates and even materials required in the process. He applies numerous design alternatives to the created 3D model and can immediately observe changes in the final output. Ample angles and rotation capabilities enable viewers and decision makers to understand the feasibility of the project in full spectrum. Additional perspectives are a big advantage of 3D models. Here is a quick list of advantages that 3D animation can offer to the field of architecture and construction.

1. Immaculate visualization for all types of buildings regardless of size and scale.
2. Quick and effective spotting of errors during every stage of conception and visualization.
3. Understanding surface and textural patterns of aisles and rooms.
4. Creation of architectural walkthroughs and virtual tours.
5. Effective architectural model facilitates as tools for presentation and promotion.
6. Compliment in the development of interiors and/or furniture.
7. Enhanced co-ordination amongst architects, contractors and engineers.
8. Optimal utilization of resources thereby cutting down wastage.
9. Overall minimal costs of project. 

3D modeling and animation at Perth has gone through several changes. Technology is getting advanced and professionals are being trained in different formats. Combined with creativity and innovation, the concept has become ubiquitous and omnipotent. Construction companies across the world take advantage of the benefits 3D animation can give them. Besides being effective sales and construction aids; the use of advanced technology helps in reducing overall project costs and improving the reputation of the company.   

Monday, 16 December 2013

3D Animation software. Things to look for..

There are different kinds of 3D animation software. They come in different budgets and have varied technical specifications and functionalities. However, choosing between them is quite a task. Each of the tools is powerful and efficient. But here are some parameters that can help you choose the right application for your business.

Credits to uploadergloss

1. Modeling features

Modeling styles are varied. While polygon and subdivision methods are the most commonly found, there are some software that also offer NURBS. If your business is cars or products that require creation of organic and smooth surfaces, you would need NURBS. Tools that can simulate a large range of materials are important since they are competent to create incredible characters and settings.

2. Animation features

With the right set of features, characters can really come to life. Therefore, 3D animation software with multiple animation layers and extra audio effects tracks make a great buy.

3. Intuitive user interface

If you have great experience in 3D animation, limited user interface will also do the needful. But if your knowledge and experience is limited, you might consider buying software that is easy to understand unless you propose to get lost in the ocean of features. A customizable interface is always better.

4. Extensibility

3D animation software comes with a pre-determined set of features and functionalities. It might be tough to want it to do everything that you can imagine. But a tool that offers the scope of going beyond the usual can be loaded with plugins and scripts for additional functions.


Monday, 9 December 2013

Advantages and Applications of 3D Animation

If you can conceive the possibilities animation can do to any industry, you will understand that there are innumerable applications for the concept. Suitable and advanced 3D visualization software can help in creating incredible animations that have a matchless appeal. Educational institutions, businesses and myriad other fields incessantly harness the power of 3D animation to create and make concepts interesting and comprehensible. When animation is used effectively, there is a lot it can do to demonstrate a system or product’s competencies. Listed below are some of the advantages that this ocean of a concept can show.

1. Using architectural model makers’ software, real estate builders can conceive how the proposed building will be in different stages. With 3D animation, it is very easy to manipulate elements and demonstrate the output with extreme precision and without any unnecessary cost. These are not possibilities with a simple blue print. 3-dimensional models help in maneuvering through floors, rooms and several other elements in a building to create even the most minor of changes for a sophisticated and perfect output.

2. A product in the world of engineering can be demonstrated for its proposed potential with complete physical dimensions (virtually) without even having to spend a dime to set it up physically. Therefore, conceptualization can make decisions easier, cost-effective and possible.

3. 3D animation elevates the quality, popularity and appeal of a product thereby making it appeal to a huge up market crowd. Instant popularity and demand rises thereby pushing its prices higher in the market.

4. Animation enhances the perceived value of a product, concept or service. It makes the audience want to conceive the object in a more attractive, appealing, useful and dynamic manner. It simply propels the star value of a product or concept since a combination of high quality sounds, images and graphics add to product perception.

5. Even the most boring of visuals and text can be brought to life with great quality 3D animation. This is one of the important purposes of the medium built to enhance over time.

6. Impossible angles, elements and features can be added in a 3D medium that you cannot even contemplate with live shots. Moreover, the output will look state-of-the-art and advanced. An angle of realism can be brought in with fictional elements as well. It makes the audience want to believe that even utopia exists.

However, all these and more are possible only with advanced 3D visualization software, incredible imaginative competencies and immaculate execution.

Applications of 3D animation

Based on the benefits listed above, it is safe to assume that 3D animation can be applied to any field or industry. Marketing teams can use 3D presentations to demonstrate the power of a product; architecture industry can conceive the models at every stage; facilitate tour of a facility or property, simplify complex systems for better understanding, explain the possibilities of a proposed product, zoom into microscopic details and for medical devices to interact with human body besides innumerable others.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Real Estate Giants benefit from 3D Virtual Planning at Veetil Digital

Real estate is a major industry in every economy and the intervention of 3D techniques has made architecture more advanced and efficient. High quality 3D animation software enhances quality of construction techniques from conceptualization to delivery. Veetil Digital provides an end-to-end suite of digital services for different industries including architecture. With presence in India and China, Veetil’s state-of-the-art 3D studio and development centers offers creative and innovative 3D visualization solutions for making architectural processes robust and efficient. The concept of virtual planning in 3-dimension in real estate segment facilitates distinct understanding of the actual building before construction even commences.

Production of superior quality images are best handled at leading 3D animation studio of Australia, Veetil Digital. The company offers practical 2D and 3D floor plans and a real time walkthrough of the proposed building. Virtual planning eliminates the limitations of human imagination. The human mind often finds visualizing the final product challenging and therefore real estate developers find it tough to bridge the gap between the imagined and the actual. 3D virtual planning from Veetil demonstrates how the final product will look like when it is done. This way, buyer confidence can be enhanced significantly. The innovative technology thus enables architects, customers and real estate builders to visualize the architecture and perform suitable changes even before the actual structure comes up.

Virtual planning also helps the users manipulate several elements of the architecture from walls to structure, surfaces, textures and various other components. It can also enable a high quality walkthrough of the entire building as you sit at the comfort of your home or workplace. The technology is so advanced that traversing through rooms or several floors is a cakewalk. The virtual walkthrough is as easy as physical movement in a building. Taking the elevator or stairs, checking outdoors and taking several other views can be easily enabled through the software. Veetil Digital has with the competence of virtual planning concept delivered efficiently on several projects. Real estate is a very volatile market that incorporates perceptions and preferences of the global population. If that isn’t dynamic enough, then dealing with several fancies and requirements will be.

Veetil Digital operates on modern and advanced technologies to deliver positive experience to all its customers. Every design is customized and even standard principles are adapted in order to cater to customer expectations.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Golf Course Animation by Veetil Digital

                                            For more details, visit Veetil Digital

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Things to know about 3D animation software

3D animation holds great appeal in diverse industries. And with advancement in technology, the scope of animation has extended beyond the usual. 3D graphics are widely used in many industries including media, gaming and entertainment. Our earliest memories of animation go to the age of cartoons that have made children all over the world love and enjoy them. And with time and age, technology behind the making of cartoons has dramatically improved. Cartoons of today are more life-like, technically advanced and renders a dramatic viewing experience.


Different 3D animation software are used for different purposes. While some are used for designing living beings, some others are used in the design of objects like cars and buildings. 3D software are also used to create animation models and environments for the creation of specific scenes that are impossible in the real world. Therefore, animators using the most advanced technology marry real time images and computer generated imagery to create a life-like experience like no other. The kind of software to adopt depends upon the quality and nature of animation the project requires. There are animation software that are available free of cost, some below $50 and some others (the more advanced ones) that even go beyond $8000. This is where animation companies have a bigger role to play.

3D animation companies have the technical expertise, choice of suitable software, experience and the creative competence to translate your thoughts on to images and/or videos. Maya is an example of versatile and advanced animation software that is largely used in movies and entertainment industry since the functionality of the software are best suited for an industry such as this. Similarly, there are many other software that are industry or project specific and using the right kind makes a lot of difference in the efforts put in and output expected.

Animation has gone through a lot of changes over the last few decades. The competence of the software has grown to create a world almost indistinguishable from that of ours. The landscape is different from what it was even 5 years ago. Some of the significant animation software used in the industries today besides Maya include Autodesk, Softimage, Independents, Modo, Cinema 4D, Houdini and Blender. All these and more are state-of-the-art software that creates exceptional 3D modeling and animation for setting the ground right for building the project. 3D animation in Australia is perhaps one of the best in the world with numerous animation agencies using the most advanced techniques and technological experts to create the best in animation. The world of animation is only expected to grow further and it would be no surprise if one day you get to even feel the animated product that has a certain extent of tangibility to it.

Top 10 Best Animation Software
1. Anime Studio
2. FotoMorph
3. Abrosoft FantaMorph Pro
4. Aurora 3D Animation Maker
5. AnimatorDV Simple
6. Pivot Stickfigure Animator
7. MonkeyJam
8. Anime Studio
9. Stykz
10. Sqirlz Morph

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

How 3D Visualization transforms the Quality of Projects?

3D visualization software is primarily used in the creation of high-end 3D animations and multimedia presentation tools for a wide variety of industries and sectors. Despite the magnitude of the project, the proposed 3D animations must be simple to comprehend but clear and effective so as to assess how the final project will turn out to be. In order to create high-end images, it is pertinent that the software used is the most advanced. This way you can assure your clients that you have nothing but the best to offer. A project’s success is often dependent upon the components that go into the making of the project. Besides the actual and more laborious parts of the 3D animation task that involves modeling and creation of layouts; other significant tasks include story boarding, voice over, photography, video and scripting.

3D Animation

3D animation in Architecture

There are numerous architectural model makers that specialize in the creation of exceptional architectural projects ideal for real estate builders. Advanced visualization software can help builders understand how the building will come up to appear. Every part of the building, including layout, floors, interiors, rooms, parking lots and landscaping become evident in 3D animation. This is also the stage that enables marking of changes to create more full-proof output. It is possible to navigate through different floors and every corner of the building so that construction companies need not leave anything to chance. Interiors are also added in the animation video so that viewers have a complete idea of space or the lack of it, colors, appeal and design holistically. Even the most complex of procedures like construction sequences can be easily expressed.

Power of 3D solutions

Immaculately designed 3D solutions serve as tools of representation and communication to stakeholders, public at large, government and other parties to the project. Many boutique and leading 3D animation companies specialize in the creation of numerous components that include
  • 3D animation projects such as simulations and walkthroughs.
  • 3D representation and simulation for diverse industries.
  • Engaging multimedia presentation tools and video presentations.
  • High end photo realistic computer generated 3D imagery.
  • Full scale physical models.
3D animation has thus gone beyond the conventional and grown into proportions larger than you can imagine. The concept can explore bigger and more novel realms of life in a more creative and innovative manner. Many times, 3D animation is misconceived to be excessive and gargantuan. But quite contrary to this perception, animation can revolve around minimalism and many times minimalism is more difficult to achieve than mammoth effects. The latest and most creative of techniques strive to attain minimalism. Moreover, most animation videos are also mediums of marketing. Businesses often have less than one chance to create an impact and the ability to do so partially lies on the competence of the animation video used for demonstration.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

3D Modeling in Games

Gaming is a huge industry worldwide that relies on the competence of 3D animations at its best. Almost every game that releases today is built on the influence of three dimensional animation. Games represent a unique industry since they are largely interactive and the modern ones are highly engaging and almost life-like. Real time rendering is a need in every game because despite the number of possibilities you can come up with; it is almost impossible to determine the actions or thoughts of every player. Therefore a computer system generates results of an action for a player as it occurs. Movies on the other hand are rendered earlier so that viewers get to see the best and the most advanced of images.

Stages in 3D modeling for Games

However, all said and done; technology is improving. The world of 3D modeling and animation is getting bigger. The line between difference in creation of high-end games and movies is becoming thinner. Today, the restrictions imposing creation of 3D art games are not as stringent as they used to be and hence the scope of creating full-proof animation in games is large.

The process of modeling is perhaps the first stage in game creation after the concept has been finalized. The modeling process here is perhaps the same as it is in any other medium. The next step involved is texturing that is almost universal across all 3D art. Subsequently, all textures are combined together into one object called the Shader which renders the model its desired look and feel.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Benefits of Architectural Models

If you want to represent a building or a city or just about any geo structure, architectural models are the best way to depict them. Powerful and advanced 3D visualization software has the ability to transform or bring to life what technical drawings, sketches or physical models cannot achieve. Designers of today are moving away from models made out of wood, glass or paper and shifting to digital means that are not just precise and interactive but also long lasting and appealing. These new technologies can make possible what the real world could consider impossible.

There are many renowned architectural model makers that create to scale images of buildings and structures.

1. The primary objective of such models is to help viewers visualize the scope of the proposed building in three dimensions and to study spatial relationships. This is important and crucial because very often two dimensional images or models fail to show what the building can actually appear when completed.

2. 3D architectural models can be used as a sales tool. Almost any project can be done on animation and communicating different points becomes possible through a 3D model. These videos are self-explanatory and render a complete idea about how the the proposed project will turn out to be.

3. Investor attention is best captured through appropriate 3D solutions. 3D models make a project tangible, real and impactful. Investors are better educated on the magnitude of the project that improves their willingness to invest.

4. A 3D model is also a site map of the proposed project since even construction sequences can be a part of it.   

Monday, 11 November 2013

Reasons why 3D animation is chosen in the Mining Industry

3D animation in the mining industry is multi-faceted. It enables several functions that include exploration, geological modeling and scheduling and production. Animation platforms can be introduced to extract resources from pits and perform complete underground mining operations. The 3D software offers interactive displays of the mines and also facilitates data type edits. Therefore, a wide variety of tasks including drill-holes, block model, topographic contours, triangulated surfaces and geologic interpretations besides many others can be effectively handled.

Mining Applications with 3D animation

Using advanced 3D animation software, it is possible to create an underground mine layout complete with vents, tunnels, access shafts and ramps. Even mineral locations can be located with ease. The 3D software offers beneficial applications for mine explorers and geologists by creating a full 3D design of the underground mine layout, 3D solid intersection and CAD editing of polylines.

Visualization and interpretation of mining and geological data becomes simpler for geologists to work on. Several mining details come of use to surveyors who require information on drifts and workings.

3D animation in Australia offers wide scope for mining exploration projects. The competency of 3D to seamlessly digitize and integrate data in numerous formats is a matchless asset that makes the concept efficient in mining operations. Further, the ability of visualization enables related parties to make changes, observe impact and witness the impact of changes over time. Such innovative abilities are firsts in this industry and are revolutionary changes for a better future.